Author Guidebook
All the authors are fully bound by the format and instructions provided herein along with the other Rules and Principles of the Journal to maintain uniformity, publication ethics, academic integrity, and quality of the journal. The instructions regarding preparing contributions for the journal are as follows:
The authors shall follow the following instructions while framing the title of their manuscripts:
1. The title shall be written in clear and simple language;
2. The concepts to be dealt with in the manuscript shall be highlighted in the title;
3. Abbreviated forms shall be avoided and the full form of each concept or names shall be used unless it is impossible;
4. Scope of the title shall be narrowed down to the best possible extent to make a detailed justification about the subject matter under study;
5. The title shall be phrased concisely and the length shall be limited to 50 characters; and
6. The format shall be Times New Roman, Font Size 14, Bold, Centre Aligned, and in Capital Letters with Line Spacing 1.5, and space between paragraphs shall be kept automatic.
Below the title the discipline under which the submission is made and the category of submission whether Research Paper, Articles, Essays, etc. shall be provided with, or else the submission will get rejected.
An abstract is mandatory for all contributions. While framing the abstract, the following instructions are to be followed:
1. The length of the abstract shall in no case exceed 250 words;
2. It shall briefly introduce the subject-matter understudy and shall give a brief insight about the conclusion derived from the study;
3. The abstract shall be written in clear and simple language with minimum utilization of technical terminologies as far as possible;
4. Abbreviated forms, symbols, indicators, etc. shall be avoided to the best possible extent;
5. The Format for writing the abstract shall be Times New Roman, Font Size 11, Bold, Italics, Justified Aligned, Line Spacing 1.0, and remove space between paragraphs. However, the heading ?abstract? at the top shall be written in Capital Letters.
Every abstract shall be followed by a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 keywords. The keywords shall follow the same format as that of the abstract, i.e., Times New Roman, Font Size 11, Bold, Italics, Justified Aligned, Line Spacing 1.0, Remove space between paragraph. However, the heading ?keywords? at the top shall be written in capital letters.
Both abstract and keywords are very necessary since without them manuscripts shall be summarily rejected. They are required for indexing purposes.
The authors are advised to follow the following instructions while writing their manuscripts:
For Research Papers:
1. The manuscripts shall begin with an introduction and must contain a conclusion at the end. For research papers, the authors shall provide their suggestions, if any along with the conclusion under the heading ?CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS?, or shall provide the suggestions before the conclusion, but no separate heading for suggestions shall be made after conclusion;
2. All research paper shall highlight the main objectives of the study and shall also clearly establish its scope and the nature of the study (either empirical, or doctrinal, or both doctrinal or empirical, or any other methods);
3. For empirical research, the size of the sample and the nature of the sample shall be highlighted;
4. Research questions shall be established;
5. The analysis of the facts shall follow a conceptual framework highlighting the main concepts that are studied within the course of the research;
6. The facts and findings must have clear nexus and must establish the link between the objectives of the study and outcomes of the research; and
7. The fluency of the research shall be maintained.
For Articles:
1. The submissions that express opinions of the authors based on certain facts over a social science topic without going for detailed study, or expresses arguments in favor or against a fact through factual analysis, or narrate a particular instance, or circumstance based on certain facts shall fall under the category of articles;
2. The title of the articles shall be precise and narrow to bring clarity about the scope and the area dealt upon;
3. The articles shall begin with a brief introduction and shall end with a conclusion;
4. The articles shall establish the meaning of the concepts that are utilized for enumerating the subject-matter; and
5. The articles shall establish the nexus between the facts and the opinions of the authors.
For Essays:
1. Submissions that highlight a brief discussion on any social facts, or makes a factual analysis about circumstances, or instances, etc. shall fall under the category of essays;
2. All essays shall begin with an introduction and shall end with a conclusion;
3. Facts shall be properly enumerated;
4. The conclusion must have a clear nexus with the facts; and
5. The language used shall be highly formal for essays.
For Case Studies:
1. For case studies, the objectives for conducting the case studies shall be established;
2. The methods applied for concluding the case study shall be mentioned;
3. The size of the sample, the nature of observation made, etc shall properly be highlighted;
4. The reports of the case studies shall be written clearly with simple language. and
5. The benefits of such case studies shall also be mentioned.
For Article/Book Reviews:
1. Any scholarly review made on famous or important articles published in reputed journals, or books published by a reputed publisher, or even any other publications in the field of social sciences; provided the author shall make a proper justification regarding the importance of such a review;
2. All review articles shall provide a basic introduction highlighting the details of the original publication on which the review is made;
3. The reviews shall contain a comparative study with other published, or unpublished scholarly pieces of literature on the subject matter of the concerned publication which has been reviewed for justifying the contents of the original publication; and
4. The reviews shall contain a conclusion at the end highlighting the opinions of the author.
Special Lecture Session:
The Journal shall also publish important lectures, or speeches, or presentations on subject matters related to the disciplines of social sciences made by eminent personalities with the permission and approval of such personalities.
Conference Proceedings and Thesis
The format for publishing conference proceedings and thesis shall be communicated by the Board of Editors after receiving intimidation from the concerned author(s).
Formatting Guidelines- these formatting guidelines are different from those provided for Title, Abstract, and Keywords, these guidelines are only for the actual body of the submissions.
1. The font for all contributions shall be Times New Roman;
2. The Font Size for the Manuscripts (except Title, Abstract, and Heading) shall be 12;
3. Line Spacing shall be 1.5 (Doubled Line Spacing);
4. Paragraph Spacing must be automatic;
5. All Headings must be in Bold and Capital;
6. Sub-Headings must have the roman number, bold, and must be typed in a small case.
7. Sub-sub headings must be typed in italics.
8. The content must be in Justified aligned;
9. Margin must be 0.5 inches from all sides; and
10. No page numbers must be given
Citations and References
1. All sources from where information has been used for writing the manuscripts, or the references of the authorities whose data has been applied during the research shall be duly acknowledged by providing citations and references;
2. The Journal accepts citations by way of footnotes, or references, or in-text citations;
3. Either MLA Handbook or OSCOLA 4th edition shall be used for making references and citations.
4. The Journal encourages the authors to use information from verified and authentic sources. Citations from unauthorized blogs or publications might amount to a rejection of the submissions; and
5. Unnecessary referencing shall be avoided and efforts shall be made to provide due credits to the authors and authorities whose information, or research works, or any other materials have been applied by the author(s) in their research works.
Figures, Tables, and Diagrams Formatting:
1. All the Figures, Tables, and other Diagrams shall be provided in Central aligned format and shall not be included in between the running texts of the manuscripts;
2. The name of the Figure, Tables, and Diagrams shall be provided right below such figures, tables, and diagrams and shall be duly cited by way of footnoting;
3. For self-created figures, tables, diagrams, graphs, etc. the authors shall mention the term self-created in the footnote section; and
4. For more information on the resolution and other graphical guidelines kindly refer to the section Guidelines for Graphics.
Submission Guidelines
Note: The author(s) are requested to go through all the submission guidelines, formatting guidelines, and other policies provided herein to avoid rejections of their submissions.
1. Co-Authorship is limited to a maximum of two, but in no way, Authorship shall increase more than 3;
2. All submissions must contain proper citations referring to the sources used in writing the concerned Articles and must adhere to the formatting guidelines strictly, failing which will result in summary rejection of the Articles;
3. All submissions shall include an Abstract highlighting the novelty of the idea of the Research as well as the Conclusion derived in brief;
4. The Abstract shall contain 4-6 keywords;
5. The Manuscript submitted must not contain any details regarding the Author(s) for which a separate cover letter shall be submitted along with the manuscripts mentioning the details as regards- the name, designation, institution, email id as well as phone numbers of all the Authors, in case the submissions consist of Co-Authors. (Note- all such information shall be used only for the Journal and for nothing else). The format is provided under the Section Forms;
6. The Manuscript must be in doc. Or Docx. The format in a word file. Pdf or any other format will not be accepted;
7. All the submissions must also contain a Declaration, the format of which is provided under the Section Forms.
9. All submissions must be made through the form provided under the Section Submit Here; and
10. In case of any difficulties in submitting then kindly mail us at aijssa@aequivic.in.
Rules and Regulations
1. The permissible limit of Plagiarism is 15% beyond which, submissions shall be summarily rejected;
2. The submissions shall not include any defamatory, insulting, political, or such other like comments;
3. Gender-neutral terminologies shall be used;
4. The submissions in no way shall be less than the minimum word limits fixed for each category;
5. All the references shall be duly cited;
6. All submissions shall be original, unpublished and shall also not be under consideration anywhere else;
7. The decision of the Editorial Board regarding the acceptance and rejection of Articles shall be final;
8. The copyright of the articles shall be transferred to the publisher after their publication in the Journal;
9. If any defamatory, political, communal, discriminatory, or any such other kind of comments are made injuring the moral sentiments, or legal reputation, of any particular race, community, or other categories of groups of people or individuals, or threatening the integrity and security of the Nation, or injuring the reputation of the Government or the State at International or National levels, or amounting to sedition, in any of the articles and such articles gets published in the journal for which if legal action arises, then the respective author(s) of such articles shall be made individually liable and the Publisher shall not be held liable in any case, provided such articles shall be immediately removed from the journal on receiving intimidation of such allegations from appropriate legal authorities in this behalf;
10. The concerned author(s) shall also be held individually liable for the violation of copyrights of third parties and the publisher shall be responsible for removing such articles from the journal immediately after receiving the intimidation of such allegations with requisite proof and pieces of evidence in support of such allegations; and
11. Submission of contributions to this journal shall mean that the authors have agreed to all the terms and conditions including the publication policy and other rules and regulations of the Organization and the Journal and no dispute whatsoever shall amount on the ground of ignorance of any rules, regulations, terms, and conditions, etc. mentioned or published in the official website.