Annual International Journal on Analysis of Contemporary Legal Affairs (AIJACLA)
Theme, Categories, and Eligibility
The journal welcomes any researchable topic based on contemporary legal affairs. The theme must purely relate itself to either the discipline of law or must establish a relationship with any of the subject matter or theories of law. Any theme which analyzes the legal institutions or the institutions influencing legal developments within a society, theories that form the basis of any particular jurisprudence, or any studies conducted with a legal interpretation that is not within the scope of the discipline of law but establishes a relationship with the discipline of law, any theme that provides a hypothetical assumption on the character or nature of legal developments within a society, or any other themes based on international or national developments that possess the potential of influencing legal matters shall be considered for publication.
Categories of Submission
A. Research Papers (minimum 3,000 words)- Research papers shall make a detailed study over a topic of law and shall focus on problem-oriented research questions. It shall mention the objectives of the study and shall also take into account the literature reviewed and the conclusion must be an elaborated and analytical one.
B. Articles (minimum 2,000 words)- Research Articles must focus on a particular problem related to any topics in the field of law and must address the Research Questions along with the Objectives for doing the Research in the Introduction itself. They must also provide a specific Conclusion based on the Research Questions along with suggestions if any for addressing the Research Problem.
C. Legal Essays (minimum 1,500 words)- All essays must bring a factual analysis on the topic of law dealt upon, comprehensively. Unlike Research Papers, essays don't have to have a particular Research Problem or Research Questions as such, but all such essays shall make a proper analysis of the topic chosen.
D. Legislative Analysis (minimum 1,000 words)- This Section will include analysis of any Laws, Bills, Policies, Rules, Regulations, By-laws, etc. having the source of law, or passed by any Authority defined as State under the Constitutions of Sovereign Nations, along with personal comments from the Author(s) on such Laws, Bills, Policies, Rules, Regulations, By-laws, etc. provided such comments shall be an Academic one and not merely Activists or Political opinions.
E. Case Commentaries (minimum 500 words)- This Section will include analysis made on Case Laws passed by any Judicial or Extra-Judicial Bodies from across the world, established by a well-defined source of law along with personal comments of the Author(s), provided that such personal comments shall be an Academic one and not merely Activists or Political Opinions. All Case Commentaries must include- Facts of the Case, the Judgements as well as Conclusion along with other necessary topics. Note- However, no submissions shall be accepted on matters pending before any Court of Law across the Globe.
F. Book/Article Reviews (minimum 500 words)- This Section shall deal with Reviews made on popular Law Books or Law Articles published in Reputed Journals.
G. Lectures and Interviews- The Journal shall also accept speech, lectures, and interviews of eminent personalities from the field of law provided such personalities shall provide their consent for publication of their speech, lectures, or interviews in writing.
All interested authors who possess knowledge on the subject matter related to law or intend to deal with a topic of law can publish their contributions in the journal. There is no minimum age requirement or qualification requirements; provided all authors must fulfill the requirements of the journal and maintain the standard of academic integrity.