Annual International Journal on Analysis of Contemporary Legal Affairs (AIJACLA)
Guidelines for Graphics
Annual International Journal on Analysis of Contemporary Legal Affairs has a team for graphics designing and content designing for which all graphical images and diagrams are requested to be sent in editable form. If the figures or diagrams are provided within the manuscripts then the author(s) are requested to provide a Pdf version of such image or figure, or diagram with high resolution separately through a mail at aijacla@aequivic.in by referring to the manuscript submitted through the online submission form.
If images are self-created then?
Send the original, editable/vector format wherever possible (for graphs, diagrams, etc.). Avoid creating line- or text-heavy diagrams in raster programs such as Photoshop. Keep text/lines on separate layers from any photo, or send one version of the image with labels and one without. Suggested: place the photo in Illustrator or PowerPoint, then add text/lines; send us the original. AI or. PPT file. Make sure all photos you start with are high resolution (300 dpi at desired final size).
If previously published images are used then?
The low-resolution figures found in online journals are usually not adequate for our press-quality publication. Contact the author or publisher for high-resolution, editable files. Request permission from the publishers or copyright holders to adapt figures; including citation/license/permission info in the captions. (Authors are responsible for obtaining all permissions, ideally BEFORE submitting the figures.) Redrawing a figure does not change copyright; if the original author would recognize the figure as his/hers, permission to adapt/modify the figure must be obtained.