Annual International Journal on Analysis of Contemporary Legal Affairs (AIJACLA)
Declaration Form
Annexure III
Declaration Form
I/We, …………Pursuing(designation) ……………… from (institution/organization) ………………. do hereby declare that the Submission entitled …………………………………. is my/our original contribution and has neither been published nor is under consideration, either in whole or in parts, anywhere else.
I/We further declare that the copyright of this Submission shall immediately be vested in the Publisher of All India Journal on Analysis of Contemporary Legal Affairs after the publication of the Submission in the said Journal.
I/We further declares that it will be my/our liability if any cause of action arises for any contents provided in the above-mentioned submission after its publication and the Publisher shall no way be held liable for the same.
Author (1) Author (2) Author (3)
Signature Signature Signature
Name Name Name
Designation Designation Designation
Institution Institution Institution